Three northeastern provinces

Three northeastern provincesThree northeastern provinces
  1. Inspiration of Foreign Old Industrial Base 's Boom for Three Northeastern Provinces Tourism Development


  2. Research on Relay Strategy of the Main Mineral Resources in the Three Northeastern Provinces of China


  3. The Research of Regional Innovation Capability of the Old Industrial Base in the Three Northeastern Provinces


  4. On the Rural Tourism Development Model of the Three Northeastern Provinces Based on " City Village " Growth Poles Model


  5. At present , the company 's products have covered the three northeastern provinces and Inner Mongolia .


  6. We can not develop the three Northeastern Provinces at all points , but to use part to bring along all .


  7. Wherever I went in the three northeastern provinces , I stressed the need to concentrate on economic development .


  8. In the main the enemy is transplanting into the interior of China the same old measures he adopted in the three northeastern provinces .


  9. The three northeastern provinces is also an important strategic energy reserve base and energy production base , its social development relates to the national strategy and national security .


  10. Three northeastern provinces of Chinese heavy industry concentrated areas of investment in China , they have a very important position in China economy , which made a significant contribution .


  11. The Anti-Japanese operations of Ma Chan-Shan in the three northeastern provinces represented another split in the ruling class camp .


  12. The three Northeastern Provinces are all important old industrial bases , and they are similar in the aspects of system environment , economic structure , and historical background and so on .


  13. Three northeastern provinces is located in the northern China , its relatively cold climate , to a certain extent , limits the construction and development of university campus landscape .


  14. In order to improve the situation , the central government of China began the transformation of VAT and three northeastern provinces were chosen as the test fields of reform in July of 2004 .


  15. The three northeastern provinces have undergone the worst economic slowdown across the nation over the last few years , dragged by industrial overcapacity and inefficient state-owned businesses in the region .


  16. China organic agriculture , unbalanced development in all parts of the country , mainly concentrated in the three northeastern provinces , Inner Mongolia and ShanDong , and organic agricultural products in China , less structure is single .


  17. However , compared with the manufacturing equipment industry clusters in Yangtze River and Pearl River Delta . The three northeastern provinces exist relatively stagnant development of the equipment manufacturing industry , which is an undisputed fact .


  18. One should know that the anti-Japanese volunteer units in the three northeastern provinces are only a minor demonstration of the latent power of resistance that can be mobilized from the peasants of the whole country .


  19. This article is mainly about the research of regional innovation capability evaluation of the old industrial base in the three northeastern provinces , find out the advantages and shortcomings of these provinces , analysis their causes briefly and give some advice .


  20. Revitalizing old industrial bases in northeast China , in particular the large and medium-size enterprises to the new path of industrialization process , the structural imbalances and the lack of capacity emerge in the area of human resources in three northeastern provinces .


  21. Since 1978 , industrial GDP of the three northeastern provinces in GDP keeps decreasing , from original 16.5 % to current 9.3 % , descending rating reaching 40 . % . It is the crucial moment that the regional structure should be changed .


  22. In the three industrialised northeastern provinces of Liaoning , Heilongjiang and Jilin , the debt burden was a big factor behind a 32 per cent year-on-year decline in industrial profits in the first quarter of the year , compared with a 0.1 per cent fall in other regions .
